


Boril Boshnakov is an artist based in Berlin/Sofia-Germany/Bulgaria specializing in visual art, illustration for advertising, print, digital media and interactive media. He has been working nationally for over fifteen years to create some of the industry’s most compelling visuals for clients such as BVM Ltd., Bildbau Ltd., Basilicom Ltd., 123 Skins Ltd., Mobilcom BG, Kogag – Bremshey & Domining Ltd., Codon AG, Enco Vending Ltd., Cerasus Publisher, man + machine works, MADVERTISE Ltd., Lemonadeillustration – London Ltd., Vagantenbühne Theater – Berlin, 2BE Ltd., Karoshi Ltd., Tichy Vienna, Department One Ltd., Wooga Ltd., DMS Music Ltd., Tivola Verlag, Deutsche Bahn AG, Deutsche Telekom, Morgen Studios Ltd., Eidos Publisher, Heureka Klett, VW, Nokia, iPhone, Kai – Ko Ltd., DDB – Berlin, Square Meal Magazine – London, Residential Park – Sofia, Residential Park – Lozen, LINDNER IMMOBILIEN GROUP,  Business Park – Sofia etc.


We are searching for a fine line existing within the balance of two universes. A space that lies between the illusionary facade of fiction – woven into our unconscious subsistence – and the reality of our thoughts living independent lives within another layer of our mental framework. There is a mental border that exists only in the mind, a razor’s edge of space that is inhabited by tension and confrontation, an area where metaphors are immaculately birthed.


Enjoy your stay!


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